Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Moderatore: Bucanieri Dei Caraibi
Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Magia Voodoo? O un potere più grande?
Dove sarà finito il giovane Pirata Guybrush Threepwood in quei pochi secondi in cui é sparito?
Quale forza misteriosa dovrà affrontare e quale sarà il vero segreto di Monkey Island?
Diretto da: Daniele Spadoni
Scitto da: Lorenzo Lombardi e Simone Scopa
Star Wars, Monkey Island, Lego and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by Lucas Film, Lucas Arts, Lego and Disney . This Fan Production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, not affiliated with Lucas Film, Lucas Arts, Lego, Disney or any other official franchise, and is non-commercial Fan-made film intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted.
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.
Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.
Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.
Re: Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Si aspettano future novità. ;>
Re: Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.
Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.
Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.
Re: Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Cos'altro poterTi augurare (qualunque sarà la svolta nel tuo percorso personale) se non... Ad Maiora!
Grazie davvero molte per tutte le Fan(tastiche)-pellicole amatoriali che hai saputo regalare nel corso di questi anni.
Eh, già: hai saputo davvero tenere alto l'Entusiasmometro degli appassionati!
una intervista esclusiva la dovrai concedere giocoforza!
E più di ogni altro, ricorda... se ti servisse uno ciakman da 'panini/pizzette & grog',
ce ne è uno già pronto con il biglietto staccato e prenotato.
Re: Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.
Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.
Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.
Re: Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.
Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.
Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.
Re: Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Ed divertenti le parti umoreggianti...
Grazie per aver regalato alla fan-community questo tuo ultimo film.
Re: Star Wars - The Brick of Monkey Island : The Monkey’s Force Strikes Back
Mi Fa Piacereutdefault ha scritto: ↑27 gen 2018, 14:50 Splendido!
Ed divertenti le parti umoreggianti...come lo stupore di Brush pensando alla preveggenza, o delle battute taglienti come quella in risposta all'attacco parlando di scimmia educata o quella per il troppo caldo dicendo del costume da pirata in flanella.
Grazie per aver regalato alla fan-community questo tuo ultimo film.
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.
Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.
Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.