Beh, io vengo dalle terre a nord del 45° paralleloGiocherellone ha scritto: ↑2 ott 2017, 10:05Penso innanzitutto che si debba sottoporre a qualcuno "del profondo nord" per verificare se il tutto è comprensibile
![003 :003:](./images/smilies/003.gif)
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Beh, io vengo dalle terre a nord del 45° paralleloGiocherellone ha scritto: ↑2 ott 2017, 10:05Penso innanzitutto che si debba sottoporre a qualcuno "del profondo nord" per verificare se il tutto è comprensibile
Pardon, se la forma delle frasi è molto letterale.Giocherellone ha scritto: Penso innanzitutto che si debba sottoporre a qualcuno "del profondo nord" per verificare se il tutto è comprensibile, ma anche di sottoporlo a chi ha il "sangue verace" per gli ultimi condimenti!![]()
Tu ci sei riuscito?Giocherellone ha scritto: Infine, grazie per i vari finali condivisi, ma intendevo ANCHE altre cose.
Per esempio, ho notato che quando Grisush utilizza la catapulta dalla sommità della Saggia della Montagna, in caso colpisse e affondasse la nave, gli eventi si svolgono in una maniera diversa.
Per esempio a nave integra si deve andare dal barista per farsi preparare il rimedio anti-sbornia, a nave affondata Grisush se lo prepara da solo, con la conseguenza che ci sono delle frasi topiche (da controllare) per ogni situazione.
Succede quando, utilizzando il varco dimensionale dei demoni, Grisush si reca nella casa della Governatrice, e legge allo specchio il messaggio di aiuto scritto col rossetto. Ormai sa che era tutta una messinscena della Governatrice per raggirarlo, e da buon sbruffone, esclama in maniera di dare ad intendere che lui non sarebbe mai caduto nell'inganno (quando invece c'è cascato come un'oca giuliva!).utdefault ha scritto:Posto che la frase è stata segnata nella to-control list e verrà verificata in sede di bt generale con la nuova patch...Giocherellone ha scritto:Ma chi sta pensando che io sia?
Con chi crede di avere a che fare?
(se non ho capito male, dovrebbe essere questo il senso; comunque verificare)
potresti, please, aiutare a ricordare DA CHI e DOVE veniva detta questa frase?
Così da risponderti qui velocemente, thk you!![]()
Non c'è di che scusarsi, figuriamoci!utdefault ha scritto:Pardon, se la forma delle frasi è molto letterale.
Non avendone conoscenza, si è cercato di formularle in tema facendo uso di dizionari e traduttori (ed altre risorse) online.
Un po' come con il linguaggio del Guardiano alla Barriera, seguitando alle indicazioni che furono fornite da maialonzo.
Beh, la cosa è avvenuta proprio per caso!utdefault ha scritto:Tu ci sei riuscito?
In che modo va preparato il rimedio con la nave distrutta?
Oh, I'm very sorry. I totally forgot to fullfill my promise!Consapevole del fatto che NON POSSO aver trovato tutte le variabili, ho chiesto a Cmdr una lista delle stesse, come avevo accennato tempo fa, ma ancora nulla. Per questo ho chiesto a te se le avessi trovate tutte.
And... 5: Throw the doll out of the bullseye.Cmdr ha scritto: ↑10 ott 2017, 18:03***Part 2***
There are 4 possible ways the use the voodoo doll at the sheriff:
- Use the darts on it while you are with him in his room.
- Put the doll into the stove.
- Throw the doll out of the window in the galley
- Throw the doll over the plank
You will get to 3 different cutscenes (the last 2 result in the same cutscene).
Quickly and efficiently, just look at the dialogs colour of Insult Drinker.Cmdr ha scritto: ↑10 ott 2017, 18:03 ***Insult Drinking***
You can choose different alcoholics for drinking. Every opponent has a favorite alcohol which will make him harder, but also leads to a special insult, which only he knows.
You won't be able to get all these special insults (the last 5 insults in the list) without choosing the favorite drink of every opponent one time.
The guy with white shirt and blond hair likes cervisia (bad if you have wasted it in the hangover remedy).
The guy with the red shirt and hat likes the red wine (to be found at canibal village).
The guy with the pink shirt and bandana likes sparkling wine (let Gaybrush give it to you before you crash the party).
The guy with the blue shirt likes the blue vodka.
The guy with the green shirt likes absinth.
The straw rum and the doom drink will make the contest shorter, as both opponents will get drunk very soon. You can also choose these at the drinking masters, to shorten the final up.
But aware, this will also make it harder for you, if you miss some answers.
There is the Demon's song, too.Cmdr ha scritto: ↑10 ott 2017, 18:03***Part 5***
Instead of giving the ghost chef his favorite drink you can just put on the voodoo necklace and walk through the kitchen.
You can also just pick up the key near Klaus while wearing the necklace instead of using the pan onto the dinosaur head.
To make the paper readable you can either put it into the stove or use it with the candle.
Besides the governeurs mansion, there are two possible locations to reach with the teleport:
-The graveyard
-The tomb
One of these locations is randomly picked up on every start of the game. Both are very similar as they include the same puzzle. But the graveyard has some additional textes and also leads to the town in Part 1.
And... 8: Put the Mercury Cola in the stove.Cmdr ha scritto: ↑10 ott 2017, 18:03***Final Fight***
There are 7 possibilities to defeat the governeur which lead to some different endings:
Put the teddy into the box outside near Steve.
Put the teddy into the iron maiden.
Use the teddy with laxative.
Put the teddy into the voodoo stove.
Put the teddy into the kitchen stove.
Put the teddy at the candle. (same ending as above)
Use the syringe with the teddy while near the governeur.
"Me duvite scusà" Mi piace un sacco!!!bunny777 ha scritto:e1) Tute mire Leide.
Mme dispiace. Mi spiace. (dipende dal senso. In alternativa qualche frase tipo: "Me duvite scusà")
Eheheh!Giocherellone ha scritto:@utdefault
Che bella sorpresa che ci hai fatto!![]()
(anche se avevo "subodorato" qualcosa del genere...)
utdefault ha scritto:I also implement these possibilities? I totally forgot that, but they also have to result in the Window- and the Fire-Cutscene.And... 5: Throw the doll out of the bullseye.
And... 6: Burn the doll with burning credit or with burning flyer.
Yeah, because the dialogs colour mostly depends on the shirt color.Quickly and efficiently, just look at the dialogs colour of Insult Drinker.![]()
Of course, the Demon's Song!There is the Demon's song, too.
Exact combinations are these (question - answer):
head - rip
arm - head
hip - arm
leg - hip
rip - leg
But your combinations are not always right, they are randomized, too.
The first one is always head-rip, but the other one depend on the skeleton-pictures onto the wall of the corridor.
I think this isn't very important for the translation, cause the elements are picked by the algorithms. There are no different sentences to translate for every combination.
But there is also the disc puzzle in front of the fortress door.
There are a total of 3 times 4 Symbols with an description in the book, and one per disk is randomly picked.
WARNING: I remember doing an awul translation fault here!
This line:
'2 Pfund Holzböcke...'
really means "2 pounds of ticks"(the small animal which sucks blood)
I hope you already took this right in your translation.
Or put the Mercury Cola at the candle.And... 8: Put the Mercury Cola in the stove.![]()
Or just wait 10 Minutes while carrying the Mercury Cola around.
Well, ok. This is more a Loose - Game Over than a Good End of the game, but actually it is an end..
There are a lot more eastereggs and stuff like that. It depends on what you call "easter egg". Most of it is just a funny comment about something. (Has anybody tried to walk to the moon in front of the AGS bar?)In addition,
Easter eggs
- (Part 1) Bernard's Room: use the credit with back door of kitchen's chef.
- (Part 3) Grisush's Nightmare : use the bedroom to sleep.
- (Part 3) Go to the sun: At the bifurcation, Walk to sun.
- (Part 3) DOTT flag : getting on crow's nest of cruise ship.
Btw: Since Version 1.1 Grisush's Nightmare isn't a purely Easter Egg anymore, because since then it is necessary to get the feather (before it was at the ink pot). Otherwise you don't need the feather to finish the game, because of different puzzle solutions.
There is no useless stuff in Lonkey Island, because every item can be used somewhere. But not every item has to be used, due to the alternative puzzle solutions I mentioned above. So it's possible to waste some stuff without running into a dead end.Useless stuff (or became unnecessary)
- red herring:
(Part 0) like a cat food - Give it to the cat in chef's kitchen.
(Part 1) like a fish in the aquarium - Put it into the burrel of sheriff's house
- plate of Elvis:
(Part 3) like a gift - Give it to Erna
- ticket for the vegetable museum:
(Part 3) like a gift - Give it to restaurant guest![]()
Esatto e grazie a chi di dovere per la riunione dei 2 account.Giocherellone ha scritto: Ehilà Asterix777!![]()
Bentornato mattacchione!!!![]()
Ma allora tu e Bunny777 siete la stessa persona!![]()
utdefault ha scritto: Some translation questions...Q1) The hungover resident says Grisush this sentence: "Los gehts! // (eng) Let's go!"
In which other parts of game is it used for?
I searched around my sources, and I found 2 other occurences (Maybe there is one in the dialogs, too. The AGS-search doesn't count them.)
-Cannonball before the quest with the doors says "So. Los gehts!" (A slighty different sentence, but same meaning)
-Grisush just before he enters the boat with 2 paddles says: "Ich habe zwei Paddel." - "Los gehts!" ("I have two paddles". - "Let's go!")
Q2) In this sentence: Das ist der Weg zurück in die Freiheit! // (eng) That is the way back to freedom!
In what way, 'freedom'? It's only outside of church.
Is it a funny comment or a media citation?
-just a little funny comment, because he doesn't feel well in the church of satan and prefers to go out.
utdefault ha scritto:
Some last questions...In which other parts of game are following sentences used for?
1) Hab ich jetzt etwa nen Job als Putze bekommen? / Did I get the job as janitor after all?
Use the serviette with the dirty window in the galley. The phrase is a reference to a swordfighting insult in the original game.
lady in ghost costume
2) Meinetwegen. / Whatever.
Giving some weed the first time to one of these persons: Tourists, Clown, Elk, Lady in Ghost-Costume, Erna.
It's a very common word, but the only place where it stands alone is this.
lady of the summit
3) Ganz einfach der Grund ist. / Simple the reason it is.
This sentence is the Yoda-like speech of the lady of the summit. Could only be from here.
head of navigator
4) Danke nochmal, Mann.
5) Voll korrekt, Mann.
6) Nee, Mann. Keine Ahnung.
7) Danke, Mann.
8 ) Ich habe...
9) Scheiße, Mann!
10) Schon klar, Mann.
11) Nein danke, Mann.
12) Ich halte nichts von Alkohol.
13) Was kann ich jetzt für dich tun, Mann?
14) Ja, Mann.
15) Klar, Mann.
16) Das ist doch voll easy.
17) Das waren noch Zeiten, Mann.
18 ) Na, in diesem Oschi von Affenkopf, Mann.
19) Außer mir natürlich, Mann.
20) Dafür bin ich dir auch voll dankbar, Mann.
21) Chill doch mal, Mann.
22) Bei mir erreichst du mit diesem 'Bitte' so gar nichts.
23) Oh, na gut du korrektes Kind.
24) Hehe. Sorry, Mann.
25) Was willst du noch?
26) Nein, Mann.
27) Ich habe echt keinen Plan, wo das liegt.
All these sentences are only spoken by the head of the navigator ;-)
Using other objects of inventory with the darts, the following sentence is not translated (neither in Italian, nor in English):
Das muss nicht gepiekst werden. /// (ita) Non ha bisogno di una freccetta.
Is it a bug or an clerical mistake?
You're right. This is a clerical mistake. It should be "Das muss nicht gepikst werden." which is already translated into the file.
I fixed in the code.
There are a lot of bugs.
At the end of translation works, they are coming to you - via PM - by our official PR.O great - I hope so!(... on the seven seas, he's known as the Jurassic Creature. )![]()
I plan to release a new version of the game with your translation included - and as the best it would have all the bugs eliminated.
Did you also find some translation issues with the english translation? I know this translation is not the best, since I made it myself and it's not my mother language. Would also be great if you help me to improve this a bit.
Finally, a doubt as a player:
cutting the vine (that one near the door) in the shack of cannibal vegans, what is it for?
Actually it was first intended to be included into the woman-puzzle, also giving the woman some hair - but I cutted this idea out.
Now it's only a false path to irritate the player a bit.![]()