Hello - Ciao

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Moderatore: Bucanieri Dei Caraibi

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Messaggi: 10
Iscritto il: 15 set 2020, 20:49
Località: NY USA

Hello - Ciao

Messaggio da gspit1124 »

Hello there! I don't speak very much Italian, but I love adventure games. I recently was asked to translate a game from Spanish to English and I am hooked. I especially love the MMM games and want to see more of them in English. I see that you have had success in getting in touch with the original authors and am hoping that I can be a new source of help to this great group of people.

I live in upstate NY, USA. I work full time as an accountant. I'm married and have a 14 year old son. My son is a computer whiz and I'm hoping he becomes a creator someday.

Thank you for letting me join the party!

:020: :034: :024: ;D
Barone dei Caraibi
Barone dei Caraibi
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Iscritto il: 19 gen 2014, 17:54

Re: Hello - Ciao

Messaggio da utdefault »

Hello to you, gspit! And Welcome to the our "weird" Crew!
Have fun in the forum.

Tagliagole dei Sargassi
Tagliagole dei Sargassi
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Iscritto il: 15 nov 2010, 9:58

Re: Hello - Ciao

Messaggio da Giocherellone »

Hi gspit1124! :laugh:

I have just "seen" you on the MMM forum and I was thinking of inviting you here!
And instead you anticipated me! :045:

So here's a big WELCOME even from me!
I think a good collaboration will start! What do you say? :144:

So you know German language? But even if you don't know German, don't worry...
We also work with the help of several online translators, the important thing is the ENTHUSIASM! :131:

Maybe you could translate the MMM episodes that are only in German language to English, and we will follow you with the Italian translation, SIMULTANEOUSLY! :033:

Have you already translated from games made with AGS? If not, don't panic!
We will tell you everything will be useful to the goal! :040:

Or maybe you already are able to use AGS, even as programmer? :034:

Tell us a bit about yourself, and your skills, if you like. ;D

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Messaggi: 10
Iscritto il: 15 set 2020, 20:49
Località: NY USA

Re: Hello - Ciao

Messaggio da gspit1124 »

Hey Giocherellone!

So, I don't know the German language, despite my very German name. :)

I am totally down for a collaboration! I have translated an AGS game from Spanish to English. I recently downloaded the AGS program and a starter pack from the MMM website. I've been experimenting with that.

I'm ready to start anytime. I'm so excited! Thank you so much for the welcome! Love the energy and positivity here :)

:020: :034: :024: ;D
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Sir Xiradorn
Signore dei Sette Mari
Signore dei Sette Mari
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Iscritto il: 26 feb 2014, 18:05
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Re: Hello - Ciao

Messaggio da Sir Xiradorn »

Greetings gs. Wellcome on board, I hope you have a very great time in this crazy cove of maddness 😁😁😁
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Messaggi: 10
Iscritto il: 15 set 2020, 20:49
Località: NY USA

Re: Hello - Ciao

Messaggio da gspit1124 »

Sir Xiradorn ha scritto: 16 set 2020, 18:08 Greetings gs. Welcome on board, I hope you have a very great time in this crazy cove of madness 😁😁😁
Thank you :) Grazie :) :152: :129: :043:
:020: :034: :024: ;D