... ling-love/ ... 01+RUS.rar

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Moderatore: Bucanieri Dei Caraibi
Codice: Seleziona tutto
font_320: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 0
font_640: 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 14
.Uka ha scritto:Hi Paolo!
Thanks for the TRS file! Yes, the text is displayed correctly for me.
The translation is mostly correct, but it requires some editing. I will try to do it later this week
I send you the fonts for our DOTT translation! The GUI is there as well.
But I am not sure if you could use it? It is BMP picture files, you know.
And you did not answer if you use TTF or picture fonts in MMM?
What is wrong and what is incomplete with the fonts there? Or should I look at your forum for that?![]()
più tardi ci guardo.
Uka ha scritto:... I have looked at the translation: some lines were right, but I have re-translated the incorrect lines and edited some other ones. I attach my translatio as TRA!
I would still have to test the translation in the game.
I have read the MIWorld forum via Google translate, but I still don't understand about the font
Are there links for the graphics translation in sources?
Niente male, vero?Uka ha scritto:Hi Paolo!
Thank you very much for the source code!!!
I have asked Alex_ASP to take a look at the fonts - and he has already found a nice working Russian font for the game! So everything looks fine now. He will also try to make the Russian GUI that I have sent you, but it could take a few days. I will test the game then and send it back to you with all those pictures
Thanks again!
Uka ha scritto:Good news: Alex has successfully put the Russian GUI into the game, and I have tested and corrected all the texts!
We will now add our names to spr00936.bmp and soon send you the ready version of the game
Vado subito a mettere il malloppo su Big-Whoop!Uka ha scritto: Hi Paolo!
Well, here it is.
I send you:
1) My updated Russian translation as TRS/TRA.
2) Russian Credits - sprite #936 as BMP.
3) Alex's corrected Russian fonts as TTF.
4) The Russian GUI as ready-to-use pictures.
5) The compiled latest version of the game, with the Russian translation, fotns etc. tested
I thought it would be easier to just send you the modified sources, but Alex thinks there could be conflicts between different versions of AGS.
If you want, we can do it ourselves, but you will have to send us your latest sources and tell your version of AGS!
If you want to do it yourself, here is the instruction from Alex:
"For TTF Fonts: Select Fonts - Font9, replace agsfnt9.ttf at D:\prova\Nuova cartella\font\ with my version of agsfnt9.ttf, press "Import over this font" button, "Yes", D:\prova\Nuova cartella\font\agsfnt9.ttf, "Open", 10, "OK". Probably, the same with Fonts 10 and 11.
Also, it seems that the Russian fonts should also be replaced in Scripts - Translations - Edit Script, function SetFontCiryllicTranslated(int FontCiryllicTrs):
15Rus - to 9,
16Rus - to 10,
17Rus - to 9,
18Rus - to 11.
For GUI: To add menu images to the game, go to Sprites - Main - GUIs - Russian and import images (from Russian_Gui.rar) into sprites 937-954. AGS messes with pallette, so I copied images from my editor via clipboard, selecting upper top pixel as transparent.
Please tell me if those instructions are clear, or if you would better to send me the ready sources!"
Best wishes,
I nostri amici russi hanno fatto un lavorone, ma purtroppo ancora non è terminato!Pippo Calogero ha scritto:... direi che dopo questo non rimane che attendere Rocco
.Uka ha scritto:Still, everything is not fine as in this version (as well as in your sources) there are some lines that do not work in English and Italian versions. They show German text instead:
Ich spure eine gewisse Aggressivitat.
Du spurst gleich meine Faust!
It seems that we have fixed it in the Russian version (by replacing the lines with wrong umlauts in TRS), but we did not try it in English and Italian, so please take a look at that problem!
Best wishes,
Che ci sia un sistema per usare i giochi con AGS 3.5.0 anche con Windows10?Uka ha scritto:... But I do not think that AGS version relates to the Windows version - I do not use Windows 10...
Può darsi che lui usi windows Vista (dubito...), 7 o 8.Giocherellone ha scritto: ↑20 nov 2020, 9:19Yuri mi scrive anche:Che ci sia un sistema per usare i giochi con AGS 3.5.0 anche con Windows10?Uka ha scritto:... But I do not think that AGS version relates to the Windows version - I do not use Windows 10...
Eh, già!Giocherellone ha scritto: ↑20 nov 2020, 9:19Ma penso che questi ultimi problemi siano ormai risolvibili dal nostro utdefault!![]()
il source ufficiale è quello in dotazione a MIWF, avendo per il momento il Foro la responsabilità della consegna agli admin del forum di mmm; dopodiché, ogni cosa sarà di loro gestione.utdefault ha scritto: ↑31 ott 2020, 18:53p.s.
una richiesta per il source, a chi lo utilizzerà per proprie prove: qualuque miglioria apportiate, con il source in dotazione, documentatela qui. Per i font aggiornati, basta allegarli.
Così da reinserirlo nel source ufficiale, dovendolo MIWF consegnarlo all'admin del forum di MMM per la distribuzione ufficiale finale.
io a suo tempo feci notare un altro bug, e mi risposero, se è il caso posso contattarli io, ma prima bisoganriporodurre il bug. provo se non riesco vi chiederò un aiuto.Alex_ASP ha scritto: ↑22 nov 2020, 13:13 In case of diacritic symbols, it seems, there is a bug in AGS Editor. I made some tests and thats what I found. When I first open game.agf, it shows diacritic symbols in dialog option text fields, but not in dialog script code. Then I save project without any changes made and open it once again - diacritic symbols are gone.
So if anyone have an account on github, it may be good to report this issue.
Thank you for the clarification!
Solo una cosa, relativamente alla discussione sul/sui bug...Pippo Calogero ha scritto: ↑22 nov 2020, 22:09io a suo tempo feci notare un altro bug, e mi risposero, se è il caso posso contattarli io, ma prima bisoganriporodurre il bug. provo se non riesco vi chiederò un aiuto.