Audio-Fan-Book - Back to the Future Part III: Timeline of Monkey Island

Suonate qualcosa e volete proporci le vostre interpretazioni di qualche pezzo? Volete condividere qualche vecchia colonna sonora? Oppure farci ascoltare una vostra composizione ispirata a qualche gioco magari? Questo è il posto giusto!

Moderatore: Bucanieri Dei Caraibi

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Messaggi: 658
Iscritto il: 30 mar 2015, 15:36

Audio-Fan-Book - Back to the Future Part III: Timeline of Monkey Island

Messaggio da Daniele82 »

Audio-Fan-Book - Back to the Future Part III: Timeline of Monkey Island


Deep in the Caribbean among stinking pirates, insults, and sword fighting, Marty and Doc go back one more time for their greatest adventure of all. Doc is living in the past, but he's about to be history because the timeline has changed! Marty makes a name for himself. Doc meets his mate, and Tannen meets his Duel.

Directed by Daniele Spadoni


The following movie is a NON PROFIT Audio-Fan-Book producer for entertainment purpose only.
All Characters, all related marks, logos and associated names and reference are copyright and trademark of their respective holders. This Fan Production is not open to commercial ADS. It is not intended for sales of any sort. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. The content of this Audio-Fan-Book could not be sold, rented or used for any commercial enterprise in any way, shape or form. There is no financial gain made from it.
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.


Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.

Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.
Barone dei Caraibi
Barone dei Caraibi
Messaggi: 2551
Iscritto il: 19 gen 2014, 17:54

Re: Audio-Fan-Book - Back to the Future Part III: Timeline of Monkey Island

Messaggio da utdefault »

Aprendo il link, YT dice che il video è stato rimosso.
Cos'è successo, Dan? :103:

Peccato. L'immagine dell'audiolibro faceva entusiasmare... :181:
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Messaggi: 658
Iscritto il: 30 mar 2015, 15:36

Re: Audio-Fan-Book - Back to the Future Part III: Timeline of Monkey Island

Messaggio da Daniele82 »

Progetto bloccato poco interesse. ;)
Creativity and spirituality have a strong energy to create and share love and transmit Passion to others.


Director / Short Film
I create themes not yet covered so as to explore and reinterpret the creative message.

Video Game Developer / Retro Games
The Pixel art is creativity and does not belong to the past but exists and will exist forever.